A photo a day for 30 days

Inspired by my friend Zuzana and her #30in30 experiment, I decided to make a photograph each day for 30 days. I found it very challenging! I'd fight to come up with one good image, post it at the...


Building howtall.is

Yet again, Joe provided the spark: I immediately knew I needed to build an app to let internet friends guess your height and find out just how much they were under- or over-estimating how tall you...


The Art of Pairing with Strangers - Over Engineered Podcast

My buddy Chris Morrell was kind enough to have me on his extremely chill podcast, Over Engineered, to talk about my Pair-amid Scheme. We nerded out over making - Chris has an obsession with sewing...


Just how old is a 45 year old soup (and would you eat it)

On my absurd podcast Cheese & Weather we covered a topic Jason Beggs has been requesting: what do we think of this soup that has been continuously simmering for 45 years? Since that article was...


Growing Into a Leadership Role, and Pairing With Strangers - The Business of Laravel Podcast

I was honored to chat with my friend Matt Stauffer on his new podcast, The Business of Laravel. We chatted about building a large wholesale platform on the TALL stack, building a team of happy and...


Timezone Management in Laravel - for Laravel News

I recorded my first tip video for the good people at Laravel News. Enjoy! Some favorites in America: eight in Indiana, three in North Dakota, twelve in Argentina, but I'm partial to...


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