Migrating from Homebrew MySQL/Meilisearch/Redis to Laravel Herd Pro Services

Laravel Herd is a fantastic application from the Germans wizards at Beyondco.de that makes it so easy to run PHP applications on your Mac or Windows machine. They offer a paid Pro version that...


Fluently removing global scopes with Laravel's new ScopedBy Attribute

Laravel v10.44 just shipped with a new approach to global scopes: #[ScopedBy]. Using my codebase as an example: Products have a global scope that hides them if their Company is not...


Mapping a Hyper key on MacOS with Karabiner Elements (the easy way)

I was just helping someone set up a hyper key and was surprised at how confusing most of the guides were. So here's my very simple version! A hyper key is mapping a single key to...


Processing Shopify Webhooks with Laravel Queues

I run a large marketplace application that has a Shopify sales channel application. Our users can connect this Shopify application to synchronize product data from their Shopify shops into our...


Heating a wood shop with a passive solar heater

I'm located in Wisconsin, where we typically have harsh winters - in January our average daily low is 15 °F (-15 °C) and our average daily high is 23 °F (-5 °C). I have a single car garage wood...


Backing up to Amazon S3 with Restic

This is the easiest backup solution I've found! I'm backing up production servers to specific S3 buckets using Restic. Log in to your S3 console and create a new bucket. You'll want to give it a...


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